
1952 Bristol 401

The early Bristol’s were like no other automobile of their age. Whilst their outright speed could be matched in other cars of the time, almost none of them could do so whilst carrying five people in comfort. Certainly none of them could equal them for their engineering refinement. Even today, the aerodynamic body has a drag factor better than most modern cars.

Chassis 401/1172 is a good driving example of the 401 and has been known to the Bristol Owners Club for almost half a century! Correspondence on file shows one long term owner buying 401/1172 in 1966 for £170. Completely restored in 1992, it came 3rd in the annual concours in 1993. If any of you think you’ve seen it before, it was used in the I.T.V drama ‘Heartbeat’ in 2006.

With 30 years of paperwork on file, it is evident it has been a well looked after car. Other than invoices for various service items, more extensive mechanical work includes a brake and gearbox overhaul in 2014 and a complete engine rebuild in 2004.

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